I have seen snot nosed pre pubescent used. Also women despite their having smaller brains (per some GB clowns).
I am unspiritual but am charitable. I can and have given good talks; quit when the convoluted new light became too much.
will they start appointing "teen-agers"?
who knows, nothing is shocking when it comes to the tower.
paragraph 1 says: "teens or even "younger" for responsibilities in the congregation.. 2022-december-s-147-announcements and reminders.. click the image to enlarge.. page 1--https://postimg.cc/hhh8c3sd page-2--https://postimg.cc/pnzpzfjh if this keeps up they will be asking babies in diapers to give the instruction talks.
I have seen snot nosed pre pubescent used. Also women despite their having smaller brains (per some GB clowns).
I am unspiritual but am charitable. I can and have given good talks; quit when the convoluted new light became too much.
are these projects going to be a noose around their neck that they won`t be able to fullfill their obligations ?.
and complete these projects ?.
GB finances nothing unless it is playing the stock/bond market. They propose things and ask for donations. Be it ramapo or new cars for COs or a warm bed and meal for a disaster victim it is the rank and file who is charitable
i thought about this when i read the expression in another thread, "someone was stumbled", they would never tell you who the person was, and simply used it to control you, or it got worse, some times it was "you might stumble someone" .. who were these stumbling loons of which they spoke ?
not only was it a control mechanism, it encouraged you to not be your real self, ever.. i liked the response of one of my jw relatives to this, where they expected him to change the person he was, he said "these people accusing me are not perfect are they ?
no, well then, they cannot expect perfection from me".
Some people are Karens looking for a reason to be stumbled. Hair color on women, beards, cars, leisure top the list. No mention that we might be stumbled by their going " beyond what is written".
my pick.. https://youtu.be/vyjmgf7kf-4.
I thought those hailstones were a series if conventions on the 1920s. "Apparently" I was wrong
lol .
w54 5/1 p. 277 par.
17 - some of the “great crowd” are now serving in position of “princes,” .
I love the silhouettes like Mystery Science Theater they use for video audiences.
sorry, i didn't know how to classify this- on some cooking boards i am on i came across how some do not understand pumpkin pie at all, particularly down under.
there was a whole thread about picking up libby's pumpkin pie filling (and the expense) and then came the subject of vegemite which does not sound good to me but can't say as i have never had it.
with all the sugar and spices what is not to like about it?
Pumpkin is American origin. First pies were main course I nstead of dessert.
Other food from the americas that spread worldwide is corn, potato, and some beans, turkeys.
What is vegemite?
We have to find a purpose in life
a boston police officer who is already part of a suit seeking millions of dollars in damages from boston over its rescinded indoor vaccination requirements today filed a separate suit seeking at least another $2 million because the city fired him last month after rejecting his request for a religious exemption from covid-19 vaccinations.. in his new suit, filed today in suffolk superior court, saviel colon said the city forced him into a "hobson's choice" even though it knew he was a jehovah's witness when it hired him and he began working as a police officer in december, 2019 - and even though he filed all the paperwork the department required for a religious exemption.
colon says the city rejected his exemption request and put him on an unpaid leave in october, 2021, and then fired him last month.. in addition to the "financial and emotional distress" - including headaches, exhaustion and sleeplessness_ - he says he's suffered, colon adds:.
defendant's decision on disciplinary action was embarrassing and was made publicly in front of all his colleagues at the police station.. .
any news about how going back to kingdom halls and door to door ministry going right now?
are there many people at meetings and meetings before going out in service as congregation?.
I wanted to hang a rifle on the wall and wear my hopalong outfit. Didn't. Mostly off. Diabetics need their OJ for sugar deficit. Not saying that was it, but ......
last spring norweigian state refused to give public contribution to jws (religious organisations can apply that in norway and previously wtbs has been granted that).
the decision was caused because of practise of disfellowshpiping.. now there is a new twist.. 25.10.2022 authorites in norway send a letter to wtbs and told them that they have four weeks to fix that practise.
if they don't do that they will loose their status as a religiouse organisation.. intrestingly jws did not "understand" what authorites meant by that and requested more time.. how can they not understand?
I would rather have it over lack of charitable works. DF comes under doctrine. Of course the application by local BOEs is extremely uneven,